Trend Watch

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Moonbox Design - Georgia Graphic Design

First impressions are everything. Great design can inform, instruct,
motivate and persuade. It sends a message that creates emotion. If
there's no message, there's no emotion. We use creative design to
build and enhance brands, promote clarity, create distinction and a
lasting first impression. By doing this we can help companies solve
their problems and accomplish their mission.

Moonbox Design is a full service design consultancy owned and
maintained by Chris Fennell. Chris is a multi-medium designer with
over 10 years of experience in design. We provide services such as
Branding, Identity Design, Print Design, Packaging Design and Web Design.
Every design has a message. Our job is to successfully deliver that message to the public and help them understand it. By doing that we can
build and enhance brands to help companies increase awareness,
attract new business, achieve their mission and tell their story.

Contact us today to find out what we can do for you.

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