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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Poker Psychology: Become A Profitable Poker Player

Poker is one of the most popular card games in existence today and is played under different variations all over the globe. However, the one thing common to all types of poker varieties is mind games and most often the one who rakes in the pot is the strongest psychological player at the table. The ability to keep a “poker face” while reading the clues and giveaways in the faces of other players can put a poker player at a serious advantage. So what are the mind games in poker and what is the best psychological approach to becoming a winner in the game of poker.

Stay calm after a loss

It is inevitable to experience losses when playing poker. Unfortunately when some players lose, the immediate reaction is that they become extremely unsettled and then concentrate solely on getting a win and have a tendency tomake reckless moves and also reveal a little too much to their opponents in their facial expressions. In good poker psychology, therefore, it is important to develop patience and to keep neutral about the loss until the game is over.

Emotions out

Poker psychology requires a calm and focused demeanor and emotions should have no place in a poker game. Save all your emotions like pride, shame, frustration, irritation, anger and so on for after the game, at the end of which you are free to express the entire gamut of emotions. Some players use their emotions like anger to push them through the game. Anger can be an excellent motivator but it is also the quickest way to destroying any edge you might have cultivated for the game and can spoil your ability to make smart decisions. Be determined, focused, patient and alert. Don’t have extremely high expectations for the game, but at the same time play to win and do nothing less than your best.

Reading Tells

A great poker psychology tip is to study your opponents but don’t lose focus of your game. This will take time and is an art that is learnt with repeated paying and interaction with other players.
Be careful with some players who may deliberately fake a tell such as a twitch or tremble to manipulate you. However what is more important than knowing others is to know yourself. Be aware of your own tell tale signs and bodily reactions and try to exhibit none of them.

Classify your opponents

Master the art of being the classic poker face and of playing smart. Meanwhile try your best to segregate your opponents into ‘loose or tight’ players. Loose players have a tendency to bet heavily or stay long in the game despite a bad hand in the hopes of a long shot draw. Tight players on the other hand fold at every twist.

Poker is not a mere game of chance or luck; it is a game of strategy and psychology. Poker psychology involves anticipating the moves of other players, planning one’s own approach to the game, staying cool under pressure and being able to unsettle other players by reading them but not giving away any inclination of your own strategy.

If you want to be a profitable poker player, you have to learn poker psychology. The basic rules are very simple. But only professional player can use them to win. Read all poker articles you find! This article is free for republishing

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